Welcoming 45 New Anaplan Model Builders to the World of Financial and Operational Planning

This month, through our inaugural Anaplan for All training program, 45 Fellows can now call themselves Certified Anaplan Model Builders.  We couldn't be prouder of their accomplishment.

This stellar cohort has shown nothing but dedication, tenacity, and brilliance over the past 6 months as they worked to develop the full stack of data analytics skills in our DS4A / Empowerment program PLUS expertise in Anaplan model building.

We recently celebrated their achievements at a graduation event with members of the Anaplan team.  Frank Calderoni, CEO of Anaplan, spoke to the Fellows about what this achievement means for their careers and the companies they are going to be able to help with their new skills.

Anaplan's support for this Cohort of diverse, underrepresented talent, was reflected across the company.  No less than 80 mentors from their organization volunteered their time to mentor individuals in the program.  


Here's what one Fellow had to say about the impact their Mentor made:


Now that they are certified, our Fellows are immediately eligible for career opportunities within Anaplan’s customer and partner network. 

Kndia DavisFellows such as Kndia Davis wasted no time putting their skills are expertise to work - she started a new role this month as an Anaplan consultant at Spaulding Ridge. Read more about her story here



Coming from many different backgrounds, each Fellow brings a unique perspective to their work and the companies they'll be engaging with.  Here are just a few of their stories:

Mandlenkosi Sibanda (Mandla)_portrait

My Anaplan Story - Mandlenkosi Sibanda






Make a Career Switch with Correlation One and Anaplan for All - Seyma Taz 




Closing out the graduation ceremony, Victor C. Barnes, Senior Vice President of Connected Planning at Anaplan, shared his own career journey and had these words of advice to share about inclusivity.


Finally, if you're considering applying for our next Cohort of DS4A and Anaplan for All Fellows, here are some words of advice from one of the graduating Fellows, Maria-Alejandra Gomez:



Publish date: May 17, 2021