It’s a Match: Match Group Renews Partnership with Correlation One

Correlation One is excited to announce that Match Group has renewed its commitment as a Data Science for All (DS4A) Employer Partner for 2023. 

For the team at Match Group, a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is more than a box to check—it’s integral to their mission as a company. “Hundreds of millions of people across the spectrum of identities and backgrounds have used our brands' services to create meaningful connections,” says Joanna Rice, Vice President, Global Head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & ESG at Match Group. 

Data and data literacy also play a key role in Match Group’s mission. “We are evolving our diverse portfolio of apps so that we can continue to lead the way in helping people make connections,” Rice says. “We agree with Correlation One that data literacy is fundamental to long-term business success.” 

Match Group’s commitment to both DEI and data is what makes the company an ideal partner for the Data Science For All (DS4A) program. DS4A is a virtual data analytics training and jobs program that provides new pathways to economic opportunity in the world’s fastest-growing industries. The program is made available for free to qualifying students and professionals from underrepresented communities. As a DS4A Employer Partner, Match Group sponsors DS4A Fellows completing the program, helping to provide access to in-demand jobs to communities for whom those opportunities have historically been out of reach. 

“We are committed to helping underrepresented talent in tech gain the needed skills,” says Rice. In addition to sponsoring general students in the program to help the industry overall, we give all of our eligible employees the opportunity to participate in Correlation One’s programs in multiple ways as either mentors or fellows.” 

Match Group’s partnership with Correlation One is just a part of the brand’s broader DEI strategy. In 2021, the company appointed its first Head of DEI. Match Group brands offer a variety of employee resource groups (ERGs) such as Women of Color@ Tinder, Black Excellence@ Match (BE@M) and Pride@ Tinder. And in keeping with the theme of data, the company has built a dashboard that measures the organization’s internal demographic data, with the goal of increasing data transparency and accountability. 

The teams at both Match Group and Correlation One look forward to what we can achieve together in 2023. “Correlation One is a phenomenal partner and we have been working with them since they started,” says Rice. “They have been able to successfully expand year over year and I highly recommend working with them if you’re invested in diversifying your skilled workforce.” 

Interested in discovering how your company can join Match Group and others in supporting the workforce of tomorrow through Data Science for All? Reach out to learn more

Publish date: February 15, 2023