Correlation One and USAID to train 4,000 Jordanians in data analytics

Correlation One and USAID to train 4,000 Jordanians in data analytics

Jordan’s strong education system, high literacy rates, youthful population, and appetite for digital innovation could make it an ideal tech talent hub. However, these structural advantages have not yet materialized into economic growth for its citizens. 

The U.S. has a strong and long-standing relationship with Jordan and provides more than $1.4 billion of annual assistance to Jordan. U.S. support for Jordan extends beyond security cooperation and extends into creating prosperity and economic opportunities for Jordanian citizens.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has implemented dozens of innovative programs that directly support Jordanian citizens through initiatives in education, quality healthcare, economic development, and energy. 

As part of USAID’s commitment to fostering economic mobility for Jordanian citizens, the agency has partnered with Correlation One to co-create the "Tech for Jobs" initiative. This ambitious program is set to:

  • Create education and job opportunities for 4,000 Jordanians by training them in data analytics 
  • Connect program participants with global remote employment opportunities

This article dives deep into the "Tech for Jobs" program by answering the most important questions about the initiative. 

What are the objectives of the "Tech for Jobs" program?

The "Tech for Jobs" program aims to achieve three primary goals:

  1. Empowering women and youth: The program is designed to help women and youth in Jordan acquire in-demand skills to advance the country's progress toward greater prosperity and stability.
  2. Attracting employers: By drawing regional and global employers to Jordan, the program supports the Government’s long-term objective of becoming a digital talent hub in the Middle East.
  3. Insightful analysis: The program will collect, analyze, and report insights to add to USAID’s actionable body of knowledge and help attract other international, regional, and local employers.

How will the success of the "Tech for Jobs" program be measured?

To quantify program outcomes, USAID is funding an impact evaluation study through a randomized controlled trial (RCT). The RCT will be conducted by MIT’s Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). 

Richard Chen, the Director of USAID/Jordan’s Economic Development and Energy Office, highlighted the significance of "Tech for Jobs": 

This intiative represents one of 17 randomized controlled trials globally for USAID. It is our hope that this model can be expanded, replicated, and scaled to achieve greater impact and provide more job opportunities for women in Jordan.
Richard Chen
Director of USAID/Jordan's Economic Development and Energy Office

What’s the value of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)?

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have become a cornerstone in development economics as they provide robust evidence on intervention effectiveness. By systematically comparing outcomes between treated and control groups, RCTs help policymakers and practitioners understand what works, for whom, and under what conditions. 

This evidence-based approach ensures that resources: 

  • Are allocated to the most impactful programs
  • Drive efficient and effective economic development. 

What will the "Tech for Jobs" RCT data be used for? 

The "Tech for Jobs" RCT findings will contribute valuable insights into the scalability and impact of training initiatives, guiding future efforts to foster inclusive growth and job creation. Dean Karlan, USAID Chief Economist, shared his thoughts on the initiative:

I am enthusiastic about Correlation One’s mission and model and am thus keen to learn more about the impact and scalability potential through the results of the randomized control trial (RCT).
Dean Karlan
USAID Chief Economist


How does "Tech for Jobs" support USAID's development objectives? 

The "Tech for Jobs" program directly aligns with two of USAID’s key development objectives in Jordan:

  1. Inclusive private sector growth: The program is designed to enhance the Jordanian private sector's capacity to compete in a global digital economy by leveraging the strengths of its existing education system and infrastructure.
  2. Women’s workforce participation: Correlation One will focus on global companies and sectors that have the potential to employ large numbers of Jordanian women in remote roles. Home-based work can mitigate challenges such as transit, child care, and inflexible work arrangements.

How does the "Tech for Jobs" program help democratize access to data-driven jobs?

Sham Mustafa, Co-Founder and co-CEO of Correlation One commented that:

This initiative represents a significant step forward in our goal to find scalable, market-driven solutions for global labor market inefficiencies. By equipping 4,000 Jordanians with data analytics skills, we are not only enhancing their employability but also creating a new pool of talent supply for global employers who need this data talent in a competitive market for these skills.
Sham Mustafa
Co-Founder and co-CEO of Correlation One

Looking forward: A data-driven future for Jordan

A new approach to international development, the "Tech for Jobs" initiative is poised to make a lasting impact in Jordan. A co-creation by Correlation One and USAID, it is a strategic effort to bridge the digital skills gap and promote economic growth in Jordan. 

By focusing on data analytics training and leveraging the power of RCTs, "Tech for Jobs" aims to provide valuable insights and create sustainable employment opportunities. As we move forward, the results of this initiative will not only benefit Jordan but also serve as a model for similar programs worldwide.

If you’re an international development or a public sector organization, looking to execute similar workforce development initiatives, please get in touch


Publish date: July 22, 2024