Why Employers Should Lead the Charge in Employee Training

The world of work is changing rapidly, driven by technological advances, globalization and shifting economic landscapes. As a result, the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the workplace are also evolving at a breakneck pace. In this dynamic and competitive environment, it is critical for businesses to stay ahead of the curve by equipping their workforce with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive. 

Traditional education institutions like colleges and trade schools once bore the responsibility of upskilling the workforce. However, as the pace of change accelerates, it becomes increasingly clear that employers must take the initiative in employee training to ensure their teams are well-equipped to navigate this new world of work.

Despite the increasing importance of upskilling and reskilling, many companies are struggling to implement effective training programs that can address their workforce's skill gaps and meet their evolving needs. While 40% of respondents to a McKinsey survey recognize a need to reskill their workforce to account for skill gaps, only 15% have a plan in place to enable the necessary talent transformation in the next two years.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why employers should lead the charge in employee training and development, the benefits that can accrue to both employers and employees from doing so, and how to get started on a successful employee training program.

Why employers should lead the charge in employee training

To fully understand why employers should lead the charge in employee training, it's important to consider the challenges that many companies face when it comes to upskilling and reskilling their workforce. As we discussed earlier, the rapidly changing skills landscape and the increasing demand for specialized skills mean that traditional education pathways are no longer sufficient to keep pace with the evolving needs of the modern workplace. 

This is where employers can step in and take a more proactive role in providing training and development opportunities for their employees. In this section, we will explore the specific reasons why employers are well-positioned to take the lead in employee training and the benefits that can accrue to both employers and employees from doing so.

Business Needs

Employers have a unique perspective on their company's operations, goals, and objectives. They are well-positioned to understand the skills and knowledge required to succeed in their industry and to identify gaps in their workforce's current skill set. By providing training and development opportunities, employers can address these gaps and ensure that their workforce has the necessary skills to meet their business needs.


Consistency in training is crucial for ensuring that all employees have a similar level of knowledge and skill set. When employers lead the charge in employee training, they can ensure that all employees receive the same level of training, no matter which department or location they work in. This creates a cohesive and unified workforce that shares a common language and approach to their work.

Additionally, consistent training can help ensure that employees are adhering to the company's policies, procedures, and best practices. This can be especially important in industries that require strict adherence to regulations or quality standards. When all employees are trained in the same way, employers can be confident that they are meeting these standards and reducing the risk of errors, accidents, or legal issues.

Rapidly Changing Skills Landscape

The skills landscape is rapidly changing, and employees may not have the time, resources, or expertise to keep up with these changes on their own. Employers, meanwhile, have a strong understanding of the specific skills required for success in their industry and can take a proactive approach to identify gaps in their workforce's capabilities. 

By providing training and development opportunities that are specifically tailored to meet these needs, employers can ensure that their workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to stay ahead of the curve. This can help businesses to remain competitive and adapt to changing market conditions, as well as build a culture of continuous learning and development that fosters innovation and growth. 

Customized, job-specific training

By leading the charge in employee training, employers can create customized programs that focus on the specific needs and skill sets required for their industry and company. Customized training programs allow employers to tailor the content to address their organization's specific needs and challenges. This ensures that employees learn skills that are directly relevant to their roles and can be immediately applied in their day-to-day tasks, leading to improved performance and productivity.

Customized training programs allow employers to identify and address specific skill gaps within their workforce. By focusing on areas where improvement is needed, employers can enhance their teams' overall capabilities and ensure they have the right skills to drive the company forward.

By leading the charge in employee training, employers can regularly update and adapt their training programs to reflect changes in the industry, technology, or company strategy. This ensures that employees remain current with the latest developments and are better prepared to respond to evolving business needs.

The benefits of investing in employee training

Understanding the main benefits employers stand to gain incentivizes building a training culture that is beneficial to the organization as a whole. Learn the top benefits to efficiently create a training system that produces bottom-line results.

Increased productivity and innovation

When employses are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge, they are more likely to work efficiently and find creative solutions to problems. Upskilling an reskilling can foster innovation by enabling employees to explore new ideas and apply cutting-edge technologies, ultimately driving business growth and success.

Addressing skill gaps and future-proofing the workforce

By identifying and addressing existing skill gaps within the organization, employers can ensure that their workforce is prepared for the challenges of the future. This proactive approach to employee development helps to create a strong talent pipeline that can support the organization's strategic objectives and long-term growth

Enhanced employee retention and engagement

Investing in employee development demonstrates an organization's commitment to its workforce's professional growth and well-being. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty, reducing turnover and its associated costs. Moreover, engaged employees are more likely to be motivated and contribute positively to the work environment.

Improved adaptability and competitiveness

As the business landscape evolves, companies that prioritize employee upskilling and reskilling are better positioned to adapt to changing industry trends, customer demands, and technological advancements. A skilled and agile workforce enables organizations to remain competitive and seize new opportunities as they arise..

Attracting top talent

Companies that prioritize employee upskilling and reskilling can strengthen their employer brand, making them more attractive to prospective employees. Top talent is often drawn to organizations that offer opportunities for personal and professional growth, ensuring a continuous influx of skilled and motivated individuals who can drive the company's success.

How to Invest in Employee Training

To harness the full potential of your workforce and reap the benefits of investing in employee upskilling and reskilling, it's essential to develop a comprehensive and effective training strategy. In this section, we will outline a step-by-step approach to implementing a successful employee training program, taking into account the identification of skills gaps, collaboration with training providers, the promotion of continuous learning, the provision of career development opportunities, and the measurement of your program's success. By following these steps, you can create an environment that fosters professional growth and prepares your employees to excel in the dynamic world of work.

Step 1: Identify skills gaps 

The first step is to assess the skills of your workforce and identify any gaps that exist. This can be done through surveys, assessments, or conversations with managers and employees. Once you know where the gaps are, you can create a plan to address them.

Step 2: Partner with a training provider

Based on the skills gaps identified, develop a training program that provides employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their current roles or to prepare for future roles within the company. A training provider can bring expertise and resources to help ensure that your training program is effective. Look for a training provider that has a proven track record in your industry, offers customizable training solutions, and employs experienced trainers who can engage and inspire your employees.

Step 3: Encourage continuous learning

Upskilling and reskilling should be an ongoing process. Encourage employees to continue learning and developing their skills, and provide them with opportunities to do so. This can include offering tuition reimbursement, hosting internal training sessions, or providing access to online learning platforms.

Step 4: Offer career development opportunities

In addition to upskilling and reskilling, offer career development opportunities that provide employees with a clear path for advancement within the company. This can include job shadowing, cross-functional training, or leadership development programs. By providing employees with opportunities to grow and progress in their careers, you not only increase their job satisfaction but also ensure that you have a pool of qualified candidates ready to step into more senior roles as they become available.

Step 5: Measure success

It's important to measure the success of your upskilling and reskilling programs to ensure that they are meeting their objectives. This can be done through metrics like employee retention rates, job performance, or feedback from employees. Use this data to continually refine your training programs and ensure that they are meeting the needs of your workforce. Also, consider benchmarking your training efforts against industry standards and the best practices of other organizations to identify areas for improvement and drive continuous progress.

Transform your workforce with Correlation One

Employers who hope to build a successful ongoing training program for employees will need to invest labor, time, and financial resources in the effort. The process will be long and the results will need constant iteration to gain momentum. 

Correlation One transforms workforces for the data economy of tomorrow. Our comprehensive suite of training programs equips your employees with the skills they need to take advantage of new opportunities and maximize their potential. Reach out to learn more about how Correlation One can support a company’s training goals.


Publish date: March 30, 2023