Women’s Datathon 2023

Correlation One is thrilled to announce our first-ever Women’s Datathon this upcoming February, in partnership with Citadel and Citadel Securities.


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After hosting Datathons for thousands of top university students across the globe, from North America to Asia Pacific, we’re excited to be hosting the first Datathon for female students. The Data Open Datathons are data science competitions that challenge students as they tackle some of the world’s most demanding issues in the global market such as urban traffic, renewable energy, and education. Top-performing students will also have the chance to win $15,000 in cash prizes, exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel, and global recognition. 


The Women’s Datathon will be taking place in person in Miami, where students from all across North America who are invited will be given an all-expense-paid trip to participate in the competition. This in-person event will also grant students the unique opportunity to meet with business representatives from Citadel as well as receive valuable info sessions from Citadel’s recruiting team. 


One of our overarching missions is to promote gender diversity in the data science field. With only 20% of women holding Data Science roles despite representing 47% of the U.S workforce, Women’s Datathon is aimed at uplifting and empowering women students who can join a community of like-minded quantitative talent. 


As data continues to shape the future of the economy, the lack of representation of women in the industry remains increasingly critical. We cannot afford significant gender inequalities where women are underrepresented, particularly in fields that have the potential to make profound changes in the world. Moreover, women in data science are able to contribute to the reduction of statistical bias and provide valuable perspectives that can better ground research to be more inclusive and accessible to all. 


Interested in participating in our first-ever Women’s Datathon? The competition is open to all current undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students who identify as women. It is also completely free, including an all-expense-paid trip to Miami, and by invite only. Sign-up now!  

Publish date: December 5, 2022