Case study

Building a data-driven culture and increasing data literacy

A global investment firm with more than $100 billion in assets needed to unlock data and analytics skills across its workforce but recognized that it was facing significant challenges. Its complex technology stack, lack of data literacy, and limited data-centricity prevented stakeholders from achieving digital transformation.




No. of employees





completion rate


satisfaction rating


increase in data literacy



The global investment firm identified the need for a digital transformation and data-centric culture. To enact these changes, the firm had to execute a broad data upskilling program across the organization. To do so, they partnered with Correlation One to successfully scale the initiative firm-wide.



Through the development of a customized workforce development program, Correlation One helped the investment firm: 

  1. Close its data literacy skills gaps across the workforce
  2. Strengthen its understanding of internal technology and systems 
  3. Instill a data-centric culture
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Achieve workforce data literacy

This financial services client saw a 62% increase in data literacy after Correlation One's:
  • Executive training sessions
  • Employee upskilling program
  • Advanced data skills training



Following the implementation of Correlation One’s custom workforce development solution:


of managers reported
better data-driven
by employees


satisfaction rating
from 180 employee


increase in data
literacy skills

What participants had to say

Our work with Correlation One yielded great value in leveling up our overall data fluency. The customized curriculum and team projects produced high engagement, but, more importantly, impactful business outcomes.
Director, Data and Program Management
I think the most valuable part was being able to see everyone's projects. I was able to gain insight into other parts of the business, which I otherwise wouldn't have seen.
Employee participant

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About Correlation One's solution


Correlation One offers leading enterprises custom workforce development solutions that build the data literacy skills that organizations need to compete in the AI economy.

The learning experiences Correlation One fosters are human-led, AI assisted, and social by design to achieve tangible business impact and notable employee engagement.

Our expert-supported programs are entirely tailored to our clients’ unique strategic objectives, data, and tech stack.

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